German Beer Steins

It is rumoured that lidded beer steins were invented in Germany in the 14th Century as a result of the bubonic plague and several fly infestations in Europe. Germany established laws requiring beverage containers to be covered for sanitary purposes and pewter was the preferred material for lids.

At the same time techniques were created to improve earthenware by raising the firing temperature of clay. And so the earthenware beer steins with pewter lids were created.

After 1890 many German beer steins were made with lithophane bottoms. It was a method created in Paris in 1824. It was created by making a plaster of Paris mould of a positive wax carving of a subject. Porcelain is then poured into the mould and fired at a high temperature.
Over the years steins from various different eras have become highly collectible.

At Ghorbany we have a great collection of West German beer steins post WWII if you wish to start your collection or add onto it.